Broadcast Life - Season 1 : Episode 60


  • Soap

Argumentative, sarcastic and smart girl, KUNG MING LI (CHAN SUK LAN, SHELLA) is invited to join the radio station FM701. There she meets CHANG KWOK PO (CHEUNG TAT MING) and YU TAK LUK (KOK TAK CHIU, VINCENT) who have embarrassed and humiliated her before. PO is very smart but a bit sneaky, so he only has a small post in the station. He and LUK together form a partnership, named ‘Traffic Marios’, and report the traffic news. LUK is honest and simple-minded. He is sometimes friendly but occasionally unpleasant towards PO. LI is asked to work with PO and LUK for a new show. She quite often yells at and teases them for revenge. These ‘Marios’ of course will not let her beat them and fight back when the time is right. The three of them quarrel with each other leading to lots of hilarious jokes...

Season 1 Episodes


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